The STEM project in Druzhkivka was held for the first time and gathered around 100 participants. Senior pupils had a chance to learn in practice the specific nature of various occupations in clay extraction, agronomy and IT. During the workshops they were introduced to methods of laboratory research of various clay types, they learned about bionics, bio-informatics, and bio-engineering, and learned about a number of different professions and trends in the IT field.
The project organizers also summarized the results of the “My First Job” essay competition, where all graduates could participate. The winner was the essay by Liliya Martemyanova, a 10th grade pupil of secondary school No. 1, who wrote about her dream of becoming a geologist. In addition to a diploma and prizes from UMG, Liliya will have a unique opportunity to spend a full working day with the General Manager of the Holding’s clay extraction assets in order to learn about her profession in more detail. Notably, all participants of the competition were given gifts to mark their participation.
According to Sergey Shevchenko, Director for Operation of clay extraction enterprises of UMG,
“The clay extraction enterprises of UMG Holding are one of the main employers of Donetsk Region. More than 1,500 employees trust us, as we are keen to see highly professional specialists studying and working in Ukraine. We understand that our children can actually become such specialists. This will mean the success of not only the business, but the future of the country as a whole. For this reason, participation in the project is important for the Holding, as STEM enables graduates to make a more informed choice about their future occupation”
The “STEM: Occupations of the Future” project was organized in Druzhkivka by the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Development. The project’s key task is the development of knowledge about occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics among senior pupils. UMG Holding joined the STEM Education Coalition in September 2015.
UMG is a Holding that operates in raw materials and trading. It was established in 2006 by SCM Group. The Holding operates in six major areas: clay extraction, limestone and dolomite extraction, processing and sales of by-products of TPPs, rare and technical gases, trading of mineral fertilizers and grain. The holding employs more than 4 thousand people. Products are supplied to 30 countries of the world.
The Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Development is a leading independent expert organization in CSR in Ukraine that brings together 38 companies. The organization provides consultation on development of strategy, programs and communications in CSR, monitoring and evaluation of project efficiency, preparation, and verification of of non-financial reports. The Center has implemented more than 50 projects, prepared and issued more than 125 publications, held more than 200 public events, involving around 4,000 representatives of businesses, NGOs, and the mass media, and organized business labs for development of CSR competencies.