Due to the participation in the Fair, UMG holding achieved conclusion of over 130 contracts with the companies around the world – end consumers and potential clients. Globally microsphere is produced for over 30 years. This valuable component of TPPs’ waste ash is widely used in fireproof materials production, oil-and-gas and chemical industry, and the construction engineering sector. Being versatile filtering material, microspheres provide heat insulation, frost resistance, sound insulation and UV barrier. The holding has its own production facilities for microspheres output in c. Druzhovka (Donetsk oblast). Share of UMG in microsphere goods export from Ukraine accounts 32 %. The product is shipped to USA, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Azerbaijan and the countries of the Middle East.Kristian Yerygin, bottom-ash materials section head in the sales department: “There is no large-scale microspheres production in the world developed. We are one of few companies all over the world, having more than 50 makes of microspheres materials from own raw. UMG’s factory for processing and production of microspheres with design capacity of 20 thousand tons per year enables providing customers with a wide range of products. Amount of investments in the production complex was 15.6 million UAH”. Reference United Minerals Group (UMG) is one of the biggest Ukrainian holdings for minerals output and processing (white ball clay, fluxing limestone and dolomites, microspheres, bottom-ash materials, etc.). UMG is a part of the System Capital Management (SCM) financial industrial group. UMG employs more than 4,500 people. UMG enterprises develops 16 open cuts, produce 11 million tons of raw a year, sell 11 types of goods marketable products in 25 countries worldwide. Additional information: umginvestments.com