
Investment Company UMG Investments Audited Infection Safety of Industrial Assets

For several weeks now, we have been doing our best to protect our staff from the epidemic, to support business processes in the investment company and to maintain the production cycle at our enterprises.


For several weeks now, we have been doing our best to protect our staff from the epidemic, to support business processes in the investment company and to maintain the production cycle at our enterprises.

All employees of the investment company and the maximum possible number of enterprise staff work remotely. Where remote work cannot be provided, UMG Investments implements an infection safety system in order to protect the lives and health of its employees. Only systemic decisions and policies, joint work of the management and each individual employee can stop the spread of the pandemic and protect people and enterprises from its physical and economic impacts. 

Infection safety today is not only care for the company’s enterprises, it is care for its regions of presence, because rapid spread of the pandemic can harm not only people’s health, but also the economy of the regions and the country in general. UMG Investments invited experts from FAST to implement the infection safety. 

“We have taken the new challenge and are saving lives by implementing an effective infection safety system. During this difficult time, we have combined the efforts of our company, Industrial Safety company and the National Expert Group for Infection Control. Our experts have more than 10 years of experience in implementing infection safety systems in more than 300 medical facilities. We are the first company in the country to start introducing infection safety at industrial enterprises. The implementation of such measures is an investment in the life and health of employees, as well as the country’s economy”, says FAST founder Fedіr Serdiuk. 

The experts visited VESCO clay mining enterprises, which are city-forming for Druzhkovka and communities in the region, Novotroitsk mine department, enterprises such as Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers and Krivbasvzryvprom. The epidemiologists carried out full audit of the enterprises, checked the safety of all production processes in terms of infection control, held meetings with the management of enterprises, and, together with managers, developed standard operating procedures, instructions and recommendations for employees. The enterprises are already working to introduce local infection safety, creating a system that minimizes the spread of the pandemic. 

“Simple things save lives!” The involvement of external experts once again showed us that there are no minor things in combating the virus. The specialists checked how the premises and transport are cleaned, conducted a practical training with the local medical staff, answered all questions of heads of production departments on COVID-19 in order to reduce the level of stress provoked by the fight against the virus”, commented UMG Investments CEO Andrіy Gorokhov, “We are grateful for the audit and are positive that any large enterprise should have a detailed trouble prevention protocol. It will not only help us in the fight against the coronavirus, but also will generally decrease the incidence of viral infections at our enterprises in the future”.