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In 2023, Ukraine’s investment climate greatly improved despite of war. While investors mainly focused on risks after the full-scale invasion, now benefits are coming to the surface.


From 24 February 2022 to 4 April 2022, SCM businesses, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, and FC Shakhtar donated about UAH 1.4 billion ($48 million) in aid to Ukraine and Ukrainian people. In particular, this amount includes humanitarian aid, as well as support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Territorial Defence of Ukraine in dozens of towns and cities


The electricity had been cut, and so too had the water. Food was running low. The cold seeped into their bones. For a week, the family sheltered in the basement of their home in a western suburb of Kyiv, listening to the artillery blasts outside grow closer and closer.


В умовах війни на території України влада, суспільство й бізнес об’єдналися в боротьбі проти російської агресії. Зокрема, Фонд Ріната Ахметова, Метінвест, ДТЕК та інші компанії SCM допомагають українцям вижити, постачаючи до постраждалих регіонів гуманітарні вантажі. Про все це в інтерв’ю американському Forbes розповів акціонер Групи Метінвест Рінат Ахметов.


Chief Investment Officer of UMG Investments shared with Forbes Ukraine Investment Guide market trends of 2021.


In 2016, UMG, which used to be a vertically integrated holding company with a managing company and mining assets, adopted a new business strategy, and the company started to transform into an investment one. That decision resulted in significant changes in both the business model and the team.


Believe it or not, agriculture, including livestock breeding, affects the environment almost twice as much as the transportation industry.


Andrii Gorokhov, UMG Investments CEO, shared his insights from the “Responsibility to Future Generations” panel of the Conductors of Changes Forum and the approaches to the implementation of ESG principles by the investment company


Про прозорість бізнесу, нову українську економіку, інтеграцію в світові ринки, планах на 10 років і міфах, які поширюють про SCM, розповів в інтерв’ю «Економічній правді» генеральний директор SCM Олег Попов.